Days 75 & 76

New Orleans, Louisiana

Have you heard of The Preservation Hall Jazz Band? Susan and I are big fans and were looking forward to checking out the venue on Bourbon Street. We had heard it was a dumpy hole-in-the-wall. Well, here it is. And, it's closed for renovations, so we didn't get to hear them after all.

Susan had visited New Orleans before, but I never had never been. We decided to take a Hop On Hop Off Tour Bus of the city to be sure to see all the key sights. We took an Uber from our campground to Jackson Square where we could pick up the tour bus. Well, it was the Uber ride from hell. The Uber driver somehow took us to the middle of nowhere and announced we had arrived at Jackson Square. We pointed out that this was clearly not Jackson Square (one clue - no statue of Andrew Jackson was anywhere in sight.) We looked up Jackson Square on our own phone and showed him that it was many miles away. Eventually we arrived and were very happy to walk away from that Uber ride experience. We walked around Jackson Square and then caught the tour bus.

For lunch we dined at historic Pat O'Brien's Restaurant, where Susan indulged in a Hurricane refreshment. It's a very sweet rum-based drink that is very popular in New Orleans.

So we listened to this entertainer instead.

For our second day of touring we went to the World War Two Museum. The museum actually extends over seven buildings, most of which have connecting walkways between them. It is a very well done museum and the whole experience is quite interesting and educational.

The artistic expression is seen and heard throughout New Orleans. This artist below captured the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in this piece of a house in a tree.

Life goes on, even through war. This one bride was able to get married, crafting a wedding dress from a parachute.

The famous Nazi Enigma coding machine

A representation of the D-Day invasion

Tomorrow we depart New Orleans and head north and a little east on our way to Nashville