Days 4 - 6

Boise, Idaho to Missoula, Montana

We spent our second day in Boise visiting our friends, Greg & Daphne. John figured that he first met Greg in 1982, so we've been buddies for 42 years. Needless to say, we have a lot of history with these guys. It was wonderful catching up! We were so engrossed in chatting that we failed to snap a picture of all of us. Doh! But we'll see them again soon - we're all gathering at Mark & Loni's house in South Carolina in September, later in our Big Trip.

It was a long drive from Boise to Missoula - about 375 miles. It seemed that we were following one or another of Idaho's rivers for most of the day. We weren't making great time with the continual windy road and we didn't roll into Missoula until about 6:30 PM. But the days stay light later since we're further north so setting up camp was no problem. Here are some pictures Susan took along the way.

... and we got to add another state to the map!

We stayed at the Yellowrock Campground in Lolo, Montana, which is a suburb of Missoula. You can see the picture of our rig set up in the campsite. There is a creek right behind our trailer and we enjoyed the babbling brook sound as it lulled us to sleep. We also enjoyed a nice dinner at the Lolo Creek Steakhouse, with this moose head watching my every move.