Day 88
WaKeeney, Kansas to Golden, Colorado
We headed out from WaKeeney and got back on Interstate 70 heading west. After about an hour we saw a billboard advertising the Great Western Tire company. We decided to exit and address the two remaining tires on our trailer that were getting worn. We got some excellent service from these folks and replaced them both. It was a relief to put any worry about the trailer tires behind us for the rest of this trip.
Driving through Kansas gets pretty monotonous as it's pretty flat with miles of farmers' fields and the occasional farmhouse.

The scenery doesn't change much when we cross over into eastern Colorado. But after a while we start to see the Rocky Mountains off in the distance, with Denver sitting at its base. We passed through Denver (with some accompanying traffic) and started climbing in elevation as we drove toward nearby Golden.
Our campground is actually downtown, close to the Coors factory, and right on a small river. Susan and I both exclaimed how good it felt to be back in the Rocky mountains. The crisp air, the trees, and mountain peaks in the background all reminding us of how much we love camping in the Rockies

It's too bad we didn't have time to take the Coors factory tour. We have four more full days of driving ahead of us as we make our way home.